After coronavirus Tatarstan residents rather go to polyclinics than for rehabilitation to inpatient care facilities

The peak was in 2021

Tatarstan’s health care system has been dealing with the medical rehabilitation of patients who had coronavirus for two years now — it consists of three stages. The first stage takes places in temporary hospitals for infectious diseases, and there aren’t statistics on it. And 518 people have gone through the second stage since 2020 in round-the-clock inpatient care facilities. More than 6,300 people have completed the third stage in daytime inpatient facilities, Realnoe Vremya calculated according to the data of the republic’s Health Care Ministry.

129 in 500 Tatarstan residents who went through the second stage of medical rehabilitation after coronavirus did this during the first year of the pandemic, in 2020. Most of them — 322 people — did it last year. During the first six months this year, 67 patients completed the second stage of rehabilitation.

The biggest number of Tatarstan residents who completed the third stage of medical rehabilitation was last year, 4,208. During the first year of the pandemic, their amount reached 1,437 and 856 during the first half of 2022.

After recovering from COVID-19, some Tatarstan residents received treatment in polyclinics at the place of resident. At the same time, methods and products of medical rehabilitation were used.

So in 2020, 4,901 Tatarstan residents received rehabilitation treatment. Last year, this number was almost three times higher — 11,850 patients. In 2022, the Tatarstan Health Care Ministry hasn’t provided data yet. However, according to the numbers, such treatment is anyway more popular that inpatient care.

Number of health care organisations for second stage of rehabilitation reduces twice

In 2021, the second stage of medical rehabilitation of patients who had pneumonia caused by COVID-19 was in round-the-clock inpatient care facilities in four health care institutions. This year, it is provided in round-the-clock inpatient facilities of two organisations — Urban Clinical Hospital No. 7 and Nehama health resort.

The third stage of medical rehabilitation in 2021 was provided in daytime inpatient care facilities in seven health care institutions. This year, it is offered in daytime inpatient care facilities in five health care institutions — Urban Hospital No. 21 in Kazan, Hospital for Veterans of War and Urban Hospital No. 7 in Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk Central Regional Multi-Disciplinary Hospital and Almetyevsk Urban Hospital No. 3. Also, the third stage has been provided in 17 health care institutions that have a licence for medical rehabilitation in the hospital since 2022.

Tatiana Dyomina

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