Flowers and declarations of love: Tatarstan women accept congratulations on the eve of March 8

The results of the republican contest “Woman of the Year. Man of the Year: Woman's Look” have been summed up in Kazan. More than 300 people took part in it, including two employees of Nizhnekamskneftekhim, part of SIBUR. Apparatchik Rozalia Parfenova won in the nomination “My destiny is my profession”. Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Aleksey Pesoshin took part in the solemn event dedicated to International Women's Day and in awarding the winners of the competition. About how they congratulated the women of Nizhnekamsk — read in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Woman of the Year — employee of Nizhnekamskneftekhim

“It is impossible to imagine modern life without representatives of the fair sex. The contribution of women to the economy, education, healthcare, culture, science, sports, housing and communal services is truly huge, and the contest “Woman of the Year. Man of the Year: Woman's Look” annually demonstrates to us your successes in professional activity," Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Aleksey Pesoshin said on the stage of the Saydashev State Grand Concert Hall during the summing up of the final of the competition.

Aleksey Pesoshin also congratulated all women on the upcoming holiday.

“There is no other occasion in our country that would give us, men, as much pleasant festive efforts as on International Women's Day. It is on this day that we get an additional opportunity to show love, care for our mothers, life partners, sisters and daughters. The tradition of celebrating this holiday over the past centuries has become so ingrained in our multinational people that we can no longer imagine the arrival of spring without it," he said.

The names of 36 heroines — winners of the project in eight nominations became known at the ceremony: Mother Woman, Leader Woman, Culture and Spirituality Woman, My Destiny is My Profession, Scientist Woman, Heroine of the Third Age, Business Lady, and Example Woman of the Year.

Rozalia Parfenova, an apparatchik at the Nizhnekamskneftekhim plant, part of SIBUR, became the best in the nomination “My Destiny is My Profession (Woman of Production).

Rozalia has been active and determined since childhood. She was engaged in athletics and basketball. In the 1990s, after the closure of the mining town of Kizel, the family moved to Nizhnekamsk. In 2007, Rozalia got a job at Nizhnekamskneftekhim as a condensation apparatchik. Two years ago, I studied to be a pumping unit operator. At the same time, Rozalia manages to devote time to her family. Together with children, they like to get out into nature and travel.

“We are women. There are no barriers for women. Women can do everything. Our goal is always to move forward. And for me, this is the most important goal in life. I am taking part in the competition for the first time. I am grateful to everyone who believed in me — my family, friends, relatives, as well as the management of the company," says Rozalia Parfenova.

Gulchachak Ziganshina, leading process engineer and labor protection сommissioner of the Nizhnekamskneftekhim Railway Transport Department, also participated in the competition “Woman of the Year. Man of the Year: Woman's Look” and won in the zonal tournament of the competition in the nomination “Example of the Year”. Gulchachak is from a labour dynasty, whose total work experience is 200 years.

“The depot where I work is the only one in Tatarstan. It is equipped with all necessary equipment, which allows you to perform a wide range of work. I am very glad that I have taken part in this competition. We enjoyed the concert a lot," she said.

“Each of you deserves attention for 365 days a year”

The women of Nizhnekamsk also accepted warm congratulations on March 8 from the head of the executive committee of the Nizhnekamsk Municipal District, Ramil Mullin. The solemn event took place in the House of Folk Art. Flowers were presented to the fair sex at the entrance, music was playing in the foyer, and there was a photo zone.

Addressing the audience, head of the Executive Committee of Nizhnekamsk Municipal District Ramil Mullin stressed that the woman was always associated with beauty, tenderness, spring. She fills the world with kindness and great meaning, brings harmony to any business and undertaking, provides inspiration and support.

“The woman is first of all a mum, while mum is the closest person. Each of you deserves attention for 365 days a year, not only on 8 March. Most importantly, men shouldn’t forget their other halves. I wish you well-being, health, peaceful sky above our heads, so that our city develops and you smile more often. We, men, we will work and create conditions for this,” the mayor said.

Ramil Mullin awarded the most active women of Nizhnekamsk with doctors, teachers, engineers, workers of industrial enterprises letters of commendation. Nizhnekamskneftekhim’s employee Svetlana Syrova was awarded a letter of commendation for long-term honest work and a big contribution to the development of the petrochemical industry.

She joined the enterprises 45 years ago and has been working as engineer technologist of the Production and Technical Department of Divinyl and Hydrocarbon Feedstock Plant for the last 15 years. She actively participated in the creation of documentation to launch a joint dehydrogenation technology in One-Stage Butane Dehydrogenation Plant, supervised works on the replacement of internal devices in columns and other projects.

“I love my job and staff very much. I started working in the 70s when the first units were put into operation at Nizhnekamskneftekhim. First Director of the chemical factory Nikolay Lemayev entered our shop multiple times. The enterprise develops today too, expands its capacities, I am proud of being part of a big professional team,” said Svetlana Syrova.

Her colleague Yelena Kozina, a 4th-degree chemical water treatment operator of the Water Supply and Sewage Treatment Department of Nizhnekamskneftekhim received a letter of commendation from the head of the Executive Committee of Nizhnekamsk Municipal District. According to her, one cannot stay idle in the company, it is necessary to constantly develop, learn, master new technologies. Yelena Kozina is a teacher of young specialists. 10 young employees did an internship under her guidance.

“I am happy that I devoted my life to Nizhnekamskneftekhim, which is now part of the big company SIBUR. I have never doubted when choosing a profession. Our team is very friendly. I go to work with pleasure, which I wish everybody. Thanks for the amazing holiday, flowers and a good mood,” Yelena Kozina said.

Chamber orchestra and festive meal

Nizhnekamskneftekhim’s men congratulated the women. Music played at the checkpoints and in central office buildings. Superheroes photo settings were installed at four sites. A festive event took place in the building of the central office in the first half of the day. About 200 Nizhnekamskneftekhim women attended the event. Musicians of a chamber orchestra created the mood, the women were given flowers at the entrance to the hall. A festive meal was organised here.

Director General of Nizhnekamskneftekhim Ayrat Safin noted the women’s contribution to the development of Nizhnekamskneftekhim.

“On this special festive day, accept the words of sincere gratitude for your labour, the ability to be happy with life, inspire faith and hope, love and carefully carry this amazing, kind feeling for years despite many hardships. We owe you all the best, kind and holy. Family and production burden is on your shoulders, and at the same time you always find enough warmth to help us with your understanding and support. Many thanks for what you have done with your hands, talent and effort for the enterprise,” he solemnly said.

20 most active employees of the enterprise received letters of gratitude and commendation for their long-term and fruitful labour on that day. The celebration continued with a concert with the best artists of the enterprise, the city and winners of Our Era republican contest.

Liliya Yegorova. Photo: Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC

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