''To raise the birth rate, it is necessary to talk less and work more with other organs''

How are governors going to implement new Putin’s May Decrees?

''To raise the birth rate, it is necessary to talk less and work more with other organs'' Photo: kremlin.ru

Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 7 defined new socio-economic tasks for his government and governors. In the media, the new document has been designated as the new May Decree. Realnoe Vremya observer conducted a survey among the heads of Russian regions. The heads of regions and republics were asked: ''How will the new May Decree of Putin be implemented in your region?'' As it turned out, the orders of the president caught some governors by surprise. They especially wonder who is going to pay for their enforcement — the federal centre or regions. Now the representatives of the governor's corps will have to revise their own programmes for development of the regions so as not to lose face in front of the higher authorities.


Автор: By Timur Rakhmatullin

Ссылка на материал: https://realnoevremya.com/articles/2573-about-how-governors-are-going-to-implement-new-putins-may-decrees/print

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