Personnel of Kazanorgsintez: workers with higher education and directors from ordinary engineers
The petrochemical enterprise has experienced the results of blue-collar profession popularization

The policy of popularization of blue-collar professions in Tatarstan has borne fruit. The large petrochemical enterprise of the republic, Kazanorgsintez PJSC, has been one of the first to feel the interest of young people in technical specialities. The company is fully manned with highly qualified personnel, staff turnover is within the norm and does not require correction by the management. In 2017, it was 7,8% against 9,19% in 2013. More about the personnel policy of Kazanorgsintez and how the enterprise has managed to achieve stability in the workforce — read in the material of Realnoe Vremya.
Staff turnover rate at KOS was 7,8% in 2017
About half of the employees of Kazanorgsintez PJSC (KOS) have higher education, which allows the enterprise to have internal potential to form personnel reserve. The image of KOS as a reliable employer, adequately paying for work, providing career prospects, contribute to the selection of highly qualified personnel. The collective labour agreement of the company involves 30 main types of benefits and guaranteed payments provided to employees.
Kazanorgsintez is also interesting for young specialists in terms of improving housing conditions — the enterprise has benefit programmes for housing obtaining. From 2014 to 2016, Kazanorgsintez was given a quota for apartments for 1,600 employees. Last year, 675 employees of Kazanorgsintez obtained new housing under these programmes.
The favourable economic component also determines a low staff turnover. In 2017, the staff turnover rate was 7,8% against 9,19% in 2013.
''Workers resign from the enterprise mainly in connection with retirement, as well as family circumstances. Employees try to hold on to Kazanorgsintez. We have a great team, loyal management, convenient social package. Basically, it is people with higher education who come to work at the enterprise. Many go into it already working at the enterprise,'' head of human resources department at Kazanorgsintez PJSC Elena Tyurina told the correspondent of Realnoe Vremya.
More than 500 students were trained at KOS shops in 2017
One of the priority areas of work in the field of personnel training is the integration activities of education and production. Kazanorgsintez closely cooperates with the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU) and Kazan Petrochemical College named after V.P. Lushnikov. The education institutions have been training personnel for KOS since the construction of the enterprise and have greatly succeeded in this. In 2017, the enterprise employed 47 graduates of the college and 99 graduates of the university.
''Kazan is a city of students and fully covers our need for highly qualified personnel. It does not make sense for the enterprise to look for employees in other republics,'' said Elena Tyurina.
The students of KNRTU of the third year do practical training in the departments of Kazanorgsintez, get acquainted with the workflows. In 2017, more than 500 students of the college and of the university received practical training in the departments of KOS.
Highly qualified employees of the enterprise participate in the educational process of students of various departments of KNRTU. The directors of the plants and chief specialists of KOS are part of the final state certification commissions of KNRTU to give an objective assessment of graduates.
Every year, the university sends a request to Director General of Kazanorgsintez Farid Minigulov to send these specialists to participate in the final state certification commissions.
Natalia Vakatova, head of the department of personnel training at Kazanorgsintez PJSC, said that the work with KNRTU has long been established. Human factor plays a significant role in the organization of practical training in the workplace, namely the attitude of the heads of practical training from the university. So, the department Oil and Petrochemicals of KNRTU pays an increased attention to the practical training of students. Heads of the university training accompany students in the shops, they show production sites, talk with the heads of the practical training from the enterprise and monitor the progress of the training throughout the period.
The only thing, there is an unpleasant after-taste from the duration of the student practical training. ''The university has changed the academic programmes, and the training length has decreased. Now the graduate training lasts about two or three weeks, although previously students collected material for the diploma for up to six months. Of course, students do not only graduate practical training, but also production one, and we try to send them to the same department so that they have time to study in more detail the complex production processes and deepen their knowledge,'' said Natalia Vakatova.
Kazan Petrochemical College as a supplier of workforce
In addition to cooperation with universities, Kazanorgsintez works with the institution of secondary vocational education (SPO) — the Kazan Petrochemical College named after V.P. Lushnikov. The acquaintance of college students with Kazanorgsintez begins on the 1st year through excursions to the departments of the enterprise. Starting from the 2nd year, students come here to do practical training.
Since 2017, six employees of the enterprise have been involved in the training of college students in programmes such as apparatchik-operator, machine operator of process pumps and compressors, chemical analysis laboratory assistant, instrumentation and control technician, chemical technology of organic substances, automation of technological processes and production. Qualified employees of KOS participate in the meetings of the state certification commissions of the college. Like in the university, academic programmes of the institution of secondary vocational education are adapted to the needs of Kazanorgsintez.
''The teaching staff of the college has changed, they are not quite familiar with the technology of our company yet. KOS provided an opportunity for the ''rejuvenated'' teaching staff of the college to improve their qualification level and to do training in the units of our company. Upon completion of training, they will take an exam to KOS qualification commissions and will receive a category in relevant working profession,'' Natalia Vakatova said.
Kazanorgsintez notes the interest of young people to working professions. If earlier graduates, regardless of their education, chose a career in marketing or trade, now they are purposefully work in their profession. ''When economists and lawyers were in demand, even our employees changed their profession in search of a large salary, with the improvement of the economic situation at the enterprise they returned to the plant,'' Elena Tyurina noted.
From workers to chiefs
The graduates of KNRTU can get a job in KOS if there are vacancies. To date, up to seven candidates are considered for one job. The company has much fewer vacancies than before: the plant is fully staffed. ''When there was an emergency situation, we placed vacancy announcements in newspapers, in a running line on television. Now this is not necessary: the company has formed its personnel reserve,'' said Elena Tyurina.
To senior positions, Kazanorgsintez prefers to appoint employees from the established personnel reserve, who during the period of work at KOS showed their professionalism and interest in the results of work and performed the duties of the head during his or her illness or vacation.
Career growth is another incentive for applicants who send their resumes to the personnel department of Kazanorgsintez. It is accepted in the company to promote workers vertically because complex, and in some cases unique, technological processes do not allow to move employees horizontally to other productions.
It is more correct if the head grows from the bottom, they believe at the enterprise. In this case, they are familiar with the team and with possible problems at all levels. Chief engineer of KOS Rafael Safarov, Deputy Director General for Production Rinat Zaripov, Director of High-Pressure Polyethylene Plant Valentin Smirnov, Director of HDPE production and processing plant Rustem Muzafarov, Director of Bisphenol A Plant Marat Khayrullin, Director of OPiTG Plant Ravil Shigabutdinov, and many others grew from workers of technical specialities and from primary technical engineers to the leadership of Kazanorgsintez.
The continuity of generations influences the personnel resource of KOS. Following the example of parents, the younger generation chooses to work at Kazanorgsintez. Thus, labour dynasties appear, which form a strong backbone of the team. Children know what company employs their parents, hear about it in conversations, go to recreation camps of the enterprise, study at schools that relate to the areas inhabited by the families of workers. The presence of labour dynasties, cooperation with educational institutions, strong social policy and growth of economic performance of Kazanorgsintez allow to form its own personnel reserve and not to fear for the future of the enterprise.
Affiliate material
To date, Kazanorgsintez employs more than 8,600 people, about 2,900 of whom are women. Also, the company employs four foreign citizens. The average age of employees in 2017 was 40,44 years. The share of young people under 30 years is currently 20% of the total number of employees.