On 1 February, the solemn event dedicated to the results of the complex project 'Cultural Heritage: the island-town of Sviyazhsk and Ancient Bolgar' was held in Piramida cultural and entertainment complex in Kazan. The ceremony was attended by Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Pavel Zenkovich, President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Tatarstan State Counselor Mintimer Shaimiev.
During the concert, the guests were told about the history of the Vozrozhdenie project , the course of its implementation, the monuments restored since 2010, and the most active participants of the Vozrozhdenie project were presented the awards.
The next project of the Vozrozhdenie Fund is going to be the creation of a trilingual educational centre in Kazan.
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