Memorial day at Novo-Tatar cemetery: Muftis of Russia pray for Tatar theologians

Traditional Memorial Day of Mentors took place yesterday in Kazan at the Novo-Tatar cemetery. Representative of Muslim clergy and Tatar intelligentsia, authorities, deputies, relatives, students, shakirds, journalist, as well as the mufti of Tatarstan Kamil khazrat Samigullin, the mufti of the city of Moscow and chairman of MSB of the Chuvash Republic Albir Krganov gathered in the place where lay there are buried more than fifty Tatar religious figures, educators and scientists to honour their memory. All of them headed by the mufti of Tatarstan read dua at the tombs of Mirkasym Usmanov, Tufan Minnulin, Shigabuddin Mardzhani, Galimdzhan Barudi, Zakari Minvaleyev, Gabdulkhaka Samatov, Akhmatzakit Safiullin and others.

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