Gift of Institute of History named after Mardzhani to the oldest library in Europe. Oxford University now has ''History of the Tatars'' and ''The Golden Horde in World History'' in English

On 7 April, the Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences donated to the Bodleian library at Oxford Universit the first copy of the seven-volume ''History of the Tatars'' and the monograph ''The Golden Horde in World History'', published in the English language. The Director of the Institute of History named afetr Sh. Mardzhani Rafael Khakimov handed valuable monographs to an associate of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Bodleian Library Lydia Wright.

A researcher at the Oxford University and the Paris-Sorbonne University, Ph. D. Marie Favereau Doumenjou, chief researcher at the Institute of Russian History of RAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences Vadim Trepavlov, Professor at the Institute of History of the Warsaw University and the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, resserchers of the Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Ph. D. Ilnur Mirgaleyev, Ph. D. Marat Gibatdinov and Ph.D. in History Bakhtiyar Izmailov took part in the ceremony.

Translation and publication in English of the seven-volume ''History of the Tatars'' and the monograph ''The Golden Horde in World History'' were carried out with the support of TAIF JSC.

The photos are provided by the Institute of History named afetr Sh. Mardzhani of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

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