‘Fines will artificially be created for search engines — they are not ready for this’

Bill on blocking pirated mirror websites and the new responsibility of search engines caused a twofold reaction from experts

‘Fines will artificially be created for search engines — they are not ready for this’ Photo: Максим Платонов

Russia has simplified the fight against pirated mirror sites by giving Roskomnadzor the authority to block them and shortening the procedure to two days. Besides, all search engines are now required to remove links to pages with illegal content. However, experts consider some measures ineffective, while others are difficult for “search engines” to implement, which will serve as a lever of pressure on platforms. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Fight against “mirrors” — no more than two days

President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill designed to simplify the fight against mirror websites that copy the contents of blocked pirated resources. The authority to recognise websites as “mirrors” passed from the Ministry of Digital Development directly to Roskomnadzor.

Now, when identifying such links, Roskomnadzor first transmits information to the ministry, which decides whether the site is a copy of an already blocked one. The decision is sent to the owner of the resource and to Roskomnadzor.

“This will reduce the procedure for restricting access to such website to two days," one of the authors of the bill, State Duma Deputy Alexander Khinshtein, explains. “We also propose to extend the obligation to remove such mirror websites from search results to all search engines: today, only search engines that distribute advertising in the Russian segment of the Internet are required to do this.”

The bill also approved this rule, now all search platforms are required to block links with illegal content. According to the initiative, Roskomnadzor will contact the provider within 24 hours and block the mirror, warning search engines about the non-disclosure of information about the site. The document comes into force from the date of its official publication. The only exception is the amendments to the bill “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, which enters into force on October 1, 2024.

This summer marks seven years since the bill was introduced in Russia that restricts access to copies of pirated resources (from July 1, 2017). During this time, over 59 thousand sites were recognised as pirated and blocked.

This summer marks seven years since the bill was introduced in Russia that restricts access to copies of pirated resources (from July 1, 2017). Нафиса Миннехузина / realnoevremya.ru

“It's like cutting the branch you're sitting on”

The industry welcomes the new law, calling it an important step towards solving the problem. However, some experts consider this measure to be insufficiently effective in the fight against piracy, since countless new “mirrors” of pirate sites are created instantly, but the content remains available on torrents anyway. Even the most simplified procedure and accelerated work of any supervisory authority will not help here.

“The news caused a twofold reaction. On the one hand, simplifying the blocking of mirror sites is a really good solution. These “mirrors” spread at high speed, they are created in 5 minutes. On the other hand, the point that obliges search engines that do not even advertise in Russia to block these resources is alarming. And this is already a big question, because it is not a fact that all “search engines” will have any integration or they will be interested in such work at all. It turns out that we are artificially creating a precedent to poke “search engines” at such mistakes," Roman Sukhar, the head of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan on Information Security and Digital Economy, expressed doubts.

Major search platforms, such as Google, will try to meet the requirements of Roskomnadzor. But all this will create a lot of problems for platforms, and, perhaps, access to sites will not be blocked so quickly. “What is the threat? Google, Yahoo, Bing, Microsoft and other “search engines” will artificially create a large number of new fines, because they will most likely not even be ready for such a thing," the expert believes. Can Roskomnadzor go further, for example, impose restrictions against the wronged “search engines” themselves?

“It's like cutting the branch you're sitting on. They won't do it yet, because it's not profitable for them. But they create a legal justification on the basis of which they can do whatever they want. Any platform entering the market of any state is obliged to comply with its rules. But these are large information systems with a large number of users. Now they are thinking about blocking YouTube, while saying that there is no point in blocking it, as long as there is no appropriate analogue. How will it end when there is an analogue? Everyone hopes that nothing, but you never know," Roman Sukhar concluded.

Large search platforms, such as Google, will try to meet the requirements of Roskomnadzor, but all this will create a lot of problems for platforms. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

“Roskomnadzor now faces great challenges, not only in blocking pirated sites”

Experts also express concerns that with such an accelerated fight against pirates, excesses are possible when other sites that only look or spell similar to the banned ones will be blocked. It will not be easy to fix the error, it will take time and resources. Besides, the scope of Roskomnadzor's activities now includes many issues.

“In fact, Roskomnadzor now faces great challenges, not only in blocking pirated sites. For example, we are talking about blocking websites that spread information about suicides, especially among children. Or blocking websites that advertise the sale of generic drugs to children. There is also the so-called sniffing topic, when the gas from lighters is used for inhalation. More than 600 children have already died from this! Yes, the bill has been passed, no matter how harsh it is, it is the law. People who have such powers should effectively execute it," said Airat Farrakhov, a deputy of the State Duma from Tatarstan.

VTSIOM data shows that 63% of Russians believe that in order to combat piracy, it is necessary to reduce prices for legal content. Solving the problem only by blocking prohibited resources is not an option until downloading or viewing legal copies becomes available to most citizens.

“I think that prices will be affordable only if there is active competition among content producers. Accordingly, it is necessary for everyone to work effectively, everyone in their place. Then legal products will be available," Airat Farrakhov is convinced.

Автор: Vasilya Shirshova


Ссылка на материал: https://realnoevremya.com/articles/7984-fines-will-artificially-be-created-for-search-engines/print

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