Oleg Korobchenko: ‘While neural networks are doing arts, people are coping with snow’

Oleg Korobchenko: ‘While neural networks are doing arts, people are coping with snow’ Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov

At a meeting of the Tatarstan Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vice Premier and Minister of Industry and Trade Oleg Korobchenko raised a question about the necessity of setting priorities in scientific and technical development depending on society’s urgent needs.

“While neural networks are doing arts, people are coping with snow,” the minister said.

realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov

The number of users of neural networks in Tatarstan has tripled over the year. Men from 26 to 35 years master them more actively. Residents of the republic spend around 53 minutes on AI websites on average.

Автор: Luiza Ignatyeva


Ссылка на материал: https://realnoevremya.com/articles/7739-while-neural-networks-are-doing-arts-people-are-coping-with-snow/print

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