Tatarstan Sabantuy this year to be held at the end of June

Tatarstan Rais Rustam Minnikhanov has signed a decree on holding the Tatar national holiday Sabantuy in the republic. It is traditionally scheduled for the first month of summer.
So, in the villages and district centres of Tatarstan, including in cities of republican significance, Sabantuy will be celebrated on June 10-11. In Naberezhnye Chelny, it is scheduled for June 17, and in Kazan — on June 24.
Rustam Minnikhanov instructed the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan and local authorities to ensure the organisation of festive events within the specified time frame. Public organisations and associations are invited to take an active part in the preparation for Sabantuy and its celebration.

Let us remind that last year Sabantuy was held in villages and district centres of Tatarstan on June 11-13, in Naberezhnye Chelny — on June 18. It was celebrated in Kazan on June 19. The event sites were visited by 110 thousand residents and guests of the capital of the republic.
This year, on behalf of Rustam Minnikhanov, Tatarstan will rethink the concept of organizing Sabantuy both on the territory of the republic and abroad. They want to make “the preservation, revival of authenticity, authenticity of our national traditions” as the “flag”, explained the minister of culture of the region, Irada Ayupova.
As of February 21, 388 Sabantuys were planned for 2023 in 59 regions of Russia and 37 countries of the world. The All-Russian Rural Sabantuy will be held on May 27 in Astrakhan Oblast. The Federal Sabantuy is to take place on July 1 in Kemerovo Oblast. The first Volga Sabantuy will be held in Nizhny Novgorod on July 8.