Innopolis to open new technopark until late 2022

The first stage of Innopark industrial park will be delivered at Innopolis Special Economic Zone in December 2022. Companies running research and development, innovation and high-tech production activity can be located there.
The IT industrial park will occupy 4,9 ha of the town’s territory, the total area of the building will be 11,400 square metres. The investments in the project is 1,2 billion rubles. Residents of the industrial park will create new products in electronics, robotics, unmanned vehicles, new materials, electronic and medical equipment and other sectors.
It is noted that the updated IT cluster will become a fully-fledged innovative and industrial ecosystem that will link technological start-ups, small enterprises, large high-tech businesses, research centres and investment funds.
“Now there is a big rise in companies that will develop Russian import substituting products. Also, there is a shortage of centres where engineering products can be produced together with software. Such neighbourhood of industrial sites and innovation parks of the special economic zone will allow uniting software companies and industrial enterprises in one place. This will become another instrument to reduce the gap between research centres, businesses and production. All our effort to create new industrial and innovation sites are aimed to achieve one goal: to shorten the road from the idea to the product,” Director General of Innopois SEZ Renat Khalimov explained.
Innopolis considers several applications to locate in the industrial park. These are some of the projects:
- the production of industrial robots and robots;
- the production in medicine;
- the production of innovative block structures for 3D construction of quickly erected buildings;
Seven production areas with independent engineering and technical systems and a main administrative building with offices and utility rooms will be situated at Innopark. The total area of offices will be 480 square metres, an exhibition hall will be 470 square metres. Production areas will occupy the main area.
Residents can use research staff of the university and receive support of Recruitment Centre Innopolis in searching for specialists. Also, the residents will be able to participate in the special economic zone’s corporate accelerator aimed to search, develop and launch innovative solutions in the corporations. In addition, the companies will be able to hope for tax concessions: income tax will be 0% during the first five years and 5% during the next five years. Transport, land, wealth tax will be 0% during the next 10 years.
It should be reminded that it became known on 26 August that the Tatarstan Cabinet of Minsiters decided to create Innopark in Innopolis Special Economic Zone in Verkhny Uslon District. The region’s Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin signed a dedicated decree.
Innopolis Development will manage the park. The Tatarstan Ministry of Land and Property is responsible for the control over the execution of the decree.