Tatarstan to raise transport and medicine subsidies

Tatarstan to raise transport and medicine subsidies Photo: Dmitry Reznov

Subsidies on transport and medicines as well as other monthly payouts will increase in Tatarstan from 1 January 2023, Realnoe Vremya found out. Their amounts haven’t yet been approved, they are spelt out in the draft of the decree of the republic’s Cabinet of Ministers.

So from early next year, subsidies for transport for orphans, legally free children as well as students studying in schools and colleges “until they graduate but before they turn 18” from large families will rise up to 354 rubles. This year, it is 333 rubles.

Subsidies for medicines for a kid under six years from families with three or more children under 18 including adopted children will grow by 9 rubles. From early next year, 158 rubles will be paid.

The monthly payout for families with children whose per capita income is above minimum wage established in Tatarstan will increase:

8,8 rubles will be paid to provide students of public and municipal schools and colleges with meals. This year, the sum is 8,3 rubles.

The decree of the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers that confirmed monthly payouts and other payments in 2022 was signed by Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin last September. The Tatarstan Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Protection is tasked with controlling the execution.

Автор: Tatiana Dyomina


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