Official statistics: salt, frozen fish and semi-smoked sausage rise in price in Tatarstan in a week

Average prices for salt, frozen fish, semi-smoked sausage and some other basic food products increased from June 17 to June 24 in Tatarstan. Such data is provided by the Tatarstan State Statistics Service.
Prices for semi-smoked sausage increased the most in the republic during the specified week — by 1,76%, to 480,3 rubles per kilogramme. Frozen roundfish rose in price by 1,34%, to 220,89 rubles/kg.
According to the Tatarstan Statistics Service, the following dynamics of growth of average consumer prices has been recorded:
- table salt — by 1,22%, up to 15,14 rub/kg;
- wheat flour — by 0,82%, to 49,77;
- soft, chocolate-glazed candies — by 0,72%, up to 412,42 rub/kg;
- beef — by 0,59%, up to 474,24 rub/kg;
- mutton — by 0,54%, to 563,38 rub/kg;
- canned meat for baby food — by 0,53%, up to 944,21 rub/kg.

From June 17 to 24, drinking whole pasteurised milk of 2,5-3,2% fat content, pork, sausages, rennet hard and soft cheeses, biscuits, rye and rye-wheat bread, ground rice, buckwheat, pasta made from wheat flour of the highest grade and vodka with a strength of 40% and above rose slightly.
In the previous week, from June 10 to June 17, prices increased in Tatarstan for cucumbers, sweets, vermicelli and pasta made from wheat flour of the highest grade. From June 3 to June 10, apples, margarine, millet and sour cream rose in price in the republic.