President’s first post-COVID-19 and ‘extremely peaceful’ message

Social payouts, loans for regions, support for businesses and large investment projects — key takeaways from Vladimir Putin’s address

President’s first post-COVID-19 and ‘extremely peaceful’ message Photo:

Vladimir Putin traditionally delivered his address to the Federation Council amid the strained international situation and opposition protests. To observers’ surprise, unlike the previous years, the Russian leader’s address wasn’t notable for aggression and was aimed at domestic politics, the country’s citizens, not “Western partners”. For instance, Head of Russia’s Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova commented on it as “extremely peaceful”. This time the president did without a video of a new weapon and “the Pechenegs and Cumans”, though he compared the Czech Republic with a jackal and the USA with Shere Khan. While social problems and possible solutions became the key topics. Putin mainly talked about health care, support for families with children, business and science, federal aid to regions (which will be charged and refundable unlike social payouts). The president also mentioned a problem of investments, particularly infrastructural issues. For instance, he decided the fate of a Moscow-Kazan highway by ordering to prolong the road until Yekaterinburg until 2021. Realnoe Vremya offers the key points of the president’s speech.

Health care

About new support measures and price regulation

Environmental issues

Support measures for business

How regions will be supported

Foreign policy

Final results of the message

Автор: By Sergey Afanasyev. Photo:

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