Kazan is fourth in Russia in average salary

Kazan is fourth in Russia in average salary Photo: Maksim Platonov

Fourth place after Moscow, Petersburg and Yekaterinburg

Avito Jobs analytic centre published interesting statistics after examining ads in the labour market. According to them, citizens of Kazan received 42,100 rubles a month on average in the second quarter of 2020. It is 8% more than in the previous quarter. There were 2% more vacancies during this period, while the interest of job seekers, on the contrary, fell by 10%.

Compared to the end of June 2019, the average salary rose by 12%. Now in the amount of salary Tatarstan gives way only to Moscow (73,600), Saint Petersburg (53,700) and Yekaterinburg (42,600).

Over the year, the number of vacant jobs in Kazan reduced by 12%, while the interest of job seekers rose by 38%. The biggest reduction in vacancies was in Saint Petersburg (by 27%), Rostov-on-Don (22%) and Krasnodar (19%).

Highest paid vacancies in construction and automotive businesses

According to the analysts, workers in the construction sphere receive the highest salaries (53,200 rubles a month on average) and automotive businesses (48,900 rubles).

They are followed by transport and logistics (48,900 rubles), staff management (42,000 rubles) and insurance (39,400 rubles).

There were 24 groups of jobs in total, average salaries rose in 15 of them. The biggest growth was in insurance (+20,8%). And the biggest reduction is observed in the group Banks, Investments — the salaries fell by 52% there. Medics and pharmacists are behind them in the anti-rating who lost 16,1%. Despite this, the profession of a doctor is quite popular during the spread of the coronavirus. The fall in the average salary of fitness and beauty salon workers too (-12,4%).

In the second quarter of 2020, the same construction held the lead in the number of vacancies in the market. It is followed by production, feedstock and agriculture (the average salary is 36,500 rubles), sales (38,200 rubles), transport and logistics, automotive businesses are the last in the top 5.

It is noteworthy that according to the data of Avito Jobs, the vacancies for students or people without working experience are on the sixth place (32,000 rubles). Tourism and public catering occupied the eighth position (32,400 rubles).

Kazan needs bricklayers and plasterers

We should remind you that according to Kazan’s Employment Centre, a bit more than 4,000 people turned to them in the first quarter of 2020, this number was already 32,000 by late June. At that moment, 26,300 were officially registered as unemployed — 4,1% of the workforce. A year ago, this indicator was less than 1%.

The Employment Centre agreed with Avito that the capital of Tatarstan lacked workers in the sphere of construction — it reported there was a lack of 667 bricklayers, 506 plasterers, 448 police workers, 399 engineers and 363 steel fixers. Workers in production, transport, health care, education and science are also in demand.

Автор: By Daria Pinegina


Ссылка на материал: https://realnoevremya.com/articles/4609-who-earns-more-in-kazan/print

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