Video version of Immortal Regiment by KOS, online excursion to Great Patriotic War museum and Memory Garden from NKNK

Companies of TAIF Group welcome Victory Day during the pandemic

Video version of Immortal Regiment by KOS, online excursion to Great Patriotic War museum and Memory Garden from NKNK Photo:

9 May 2020 was especially expected: the 75th Anniversary of the Victory Day was to be held on a big scale across Russia. Tatarstan also had been preparing for it where it was planned to honour veterans, hold a parade, light fireworks. But the COVID-19 pandemic broke in. It was decided at federal level to postpone the celebrations dedicated to the jubilee — when the epidemic ends. But even the fatal disease can’t cancel the holiday itself. Read in Realnoe Vremya’s report how veterans are congratulated in TAIF Group’s companies.

Memory of defenders

During the Second World War, the Soviet Union lost over 27 million people on battlefields and in German captivity. About 750,000 people went to war from Tatarstan alone. Only 350,000 got home. Over 100,000 our compatriots were awarded orders and medals for heroism and courage demonstrated on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. 225 people were given the highest accolade — Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. 50 out of 2,457 Full Cavaliers of Order of Glory come from Tatarstan. The war affected every family, and this is why Victory Day is a special holiday that is close to everyone.

TAIF Group’s companies are traditionally active participants in celebrations dedicated to 9 May. They not only sponsor mass events but also support to save and improve the monuments to defenders of the Fatherland. This year Nizhnekamskneftekhim’s search party hasn’t gone to a spring trip to battlefields for the first time in more than 15 years to look for Red Army soldiers and return the memory of who died at war from non-existence. But the search goes on during self-isolation too.

In the middle of April, Commander of the search party Olga Lantsova worked with archives and previous findings that became the foundation for an exposition in the Great Patriotic War Museum, which is going to open, managed to return the name of another soldier from non-existence: Vasily Poltarin from Altai Krai. The soldier died in winter of 1941 and was buried in the mass grave in Smolensk Oblast. A tablespoon with initials scratched on it helped to identify his name. Over 800 remains of fighters have been found and reburied in 15 years of activity of the party. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, employees of the military halls of fame of Neftekhimik search party are preparing materials to present exhibits of the updated museum online.

By the way, a new building of Neftekhimik search party’s military hall of fame is located in the place of old garages. Nizhnekamskneftekhim allocated money on reconstruction. The building was rebuilt, painted, the museum’s concept and design were created. It took all works a year. Nowadays the exposition and design of halls are completed. Most of the exhibits are authentic unique findings found by Neftekhimik search party’s fighters during search expeditions on cruel battlefields. “Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” — the fighters of the search party follow this slogan and do their mission. After visiting the museum. Director General of TAIF JSC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC Ruslan Shigabutdinov noted that the petrochemists did a big job.

“The city deserves a good museum. Moreover, if people are interested in our history. We haven’t ended this war unless the last soldier who died in the Great Patriotic War is buried,” Ruslan Shigabutdinov added.

In the year of celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC planned to open an upgraded shooting range Neftekhimik too. Director General of TAIF JSC Ruslan Shigabutdinov evaluated its readiness during his visit to the enterprise. The reconstruction began on his instruction in 2019. Repair and reconstruction work in the building erected in the enterprise over 40 years ago was done during a year. The new shooting range meets all GOST standards, the Building Code and shooting range regulations of the Russian Federation. It consists of three halls designed for archery, crossbow, air gun and interactive weapons. The building also has a room to have a meal, a health post, changing room and weapons room. Experts think that the shooting range of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC is one of the best in the Volga region. First of all, workers of Nizhnekamskneftekhim will be able to visit it to improve their shooting skills and prepare for sports competitions. The classes will also be available for schoolchildren and students.

Gift giving to veterans as well as the participation of workers of the Group’s companies and their family members in campaigns dedicated to Victory Day — such as Ribbon of Saint George — became a good tradition. This year the Victory symbol is given by TAIF Group’s companies’ volunteers at the entrance of plants and enterprises.

Kazanorgsintez: Immortal Regiment on YouTube

The Immortal Regiment campaign gathers more participants year after year. Workers of TAIF Group’s enterprises traditionally participate in it. The COVID-19 pandemic cancelled the march of memory this year, but no. It became virtual. Hundreds of thousands of people across the country are posting photos of their heroes in social networks with the hashtags # ImmortalRegimentOnline and #ImmortalRegimentTatarstan, while Kazanorgsintez PJSC went further and created a video Kazanorgsintez Immortal Regiment.

“Every year millions of people marched in The Immortal Regiment giving tribute to the memory of those who fought for the Homeland. We can’t do this in 2020 because of self-isolation. But we remember their feat despite everything,” reads a video sequence where workers of the enterprise are also on duty today despite the epidemic and the self-isolation regime — in their workplace holding portraits of Victory soldiers in their hands — their fathers, mothers, grandparents.

On the eve of Victory Day, according to TAIF Group’s social policy, Kazanorgsintez allocated financial aid to all veterans of war, home front workers as well as participants in military actions and local conflicts and Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster relief workers. Home front workers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War were given jubilee medals 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, food baskets and congratulatory postcards from the Tatarstan president and city administration of Kazan.

On 8 May, the management of Kazanorgsintez PJSC laid flowers to the bottom of the memorial dedicated to the memory of workers who participated in the Second World War. Director General of TAIF JSC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC Ruslan Shigabutdinov participated in flower laying.

“Here the obelisk has names of those went through the war, found the strength to work further, build plants, lay the foundation for the powerful chemical sector of the country. With such a meeting we can pay off a small part of the huge debt to our heroes for our calm working life,” Ruslan Shigabutdunov told the audience.

“Dear friends,

On behalf of the whole management of Kazanorgsintez, I congratulate you on the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Our victory was written down to the heroic manuscript of the country forever. It became a symbol of national unity, military glory and valour. This festive day entered our hearts as a symbol of popular heroism and unexampled courage, valour and bravery of the people who defended peace on the Earth. We are bowing our heads low with huge respect in front of those who defended our independence and saved the world from fascism,” noted Director General of Kazanorgsintez PJSC Farid Minigulov on his congratulatory address to residents of Tatarstan.

“Now, during these tough times when both our country and the whole world has faced new challenges, the feat of our fathers and grandfathers is an example of how we should face the ordeal together and overcome difficulties. And I am sure that we will go through the complicated period together. I wish each of you stability and well-being on these tough days. Might your homes be full of family happiness, peace and harmony despite all crises and challenges of the modern world. Happy holiday!” he congratulated residents of the republic on Victory Day.

Memory Garden from Nizhnekamskneftekhim

On 8 May, Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC joined Memory Garden international campaign dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Victory Day. 27 million trees will be planted across the former Soviet Union — one in honour of the 27 million people who died in the Great Patriotic War. Workers of the petrochemical complex have planted 75 pine seedlings along Sobolekovo Highway. The executives chaired by Nizhnekamskneftekhim Ayrat Safin together a deputy of the Russian State Duma, two-time Olympic medallist Irek Zinnurov and leading players of Neftekhimik hockey team planted 75 trees. Each participant in the campaign personally planted a pine along Sobolekovo Highway. Now 75 pine seedlings in honour of the memory of the great feat of our ancestors in the Great Patriotic War delight the eye along the transport artery of Nizhnekamsk that thousands of cars pass by every day and workers of the company use to go to work and get home.

Like other companies of TAIF Group, Nizhnekamskneftekhim actively participated in The Immortal Regiment online campaign. Also, during the week, from 6 to 11 May, the central gas fractionation plant, the building of Foreign Specialists’ House and Athletes’ House were adorned with lights with the number 75 in the evening, which symbolises the great Victory.

On the eve of 9 May, the management of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC chaired by Director General of the petrochemical factory Ayrat Safin visited front line veterans and home front workers to congratulate each veteran they are in charge of personally: three participants in the Great Patriotic War and 116 veterans who cast the victory on the home front, hand jubilee medals, numerous gifts and food baskets over.

The Veterans Council of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC has just three veterans — Vladimir Karkotsky, Anas Khayrullin and Fauzi Taziyev. The veterans welcomed the guests in a festive mood. Congratulating the front line veterans on the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory, Director General of Nizhnekamskneftekhim Ayrat Safin expressed great gratitude for the Victory and clear sky above our heads on behalf of all generations of petrochemists and wished them good health and many years of life. Every veteran was given a big plasma TV, sets of textiles, a food basket and the memorable jubilee medal in honour of the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This year in honour of the jubilee the Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC management decided to allocate the veterans of war and home front workers money equal to the amount of annual expenses on utility bills. By Victory Day, each of them was sent a monetary reward. The three veterans of the Great Patriotic War were allocated money on home refurbishment.

The Council of War and Labour Veterans of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC, which nowadays has over 10,500 members, including the three front line veterans, three widows of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and 116 home front workers, will soon give a housewarming party. The organisation will move to a new place, which is being repaired now. The money on the repair work, purchase of furniture and office equipment for the Council of War and Labour Veterans of the company was given in honour of the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The public organisation is a linking chain between the administration of the enterprise and its pensioners Nizhnekamskneftekhim helps and keeps helping as much as it can.

“Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War and homefront workers, dear petrochemists,

Receive cordial congratulations on the bright holiday and solemn holiday, 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This thrilling event has a big meaning for residents of our country because the anguish of bereavement and greatness of the Victory affected every family. It is a day of our general memory and great feat,” noted Director General of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC Ayrat Safin in his address.

“Traditionally, on 9 May we pay a tribute to the main heroes of the great Victory Day, those who fought on the front line during the long 1418 days and nights and worked on the home front. The longer we live under the peaceful sky, the deeper the realisation of the great feat is. Our holy obligation is to remember this and save the well-being we achieved. The Council of War and Labour Veterans of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC has three veterans of war and 116 home front workers who not only defeated the cruel and merciless enemy but also raised the country in ruins, restored the industry, built Nizhnekamskneftekhim. Dear veterans, I am bowing low and thank you for the manifested heroism on the battlefield, for the labour feat in wartime and peacetime, for courage and fearlessness. I sincerely wish you good health, pep, attention and care from your relatives and family.

The victory won by our dear veterans inspires us today too to have new accomplishments, it strengthens our spirit, helps to overcome difficulties and move forward. This year the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Victory took place during the coronavirus pandemic. All efforts and capabilities of our staff and the whole country are mobilised to fight it nowadays. I am sure that with the joint effort we will also win a victory on the battlefield with the insidious infection,” Ayrat Safin expressed confidence.

TGC-16: warmth and energy to our veterans

TGC-16 JSC as well as TAIF Group in general prepared a big programme by Victory Day — events aimed to honour and congratulate veterans, a concert programme. But all this had to be postponed till the end of the epidemic. The money considered to implement this programme was sent on financial support, a bigger number of gifts and food baskets to veterans of the Great Patriotic War with the approval of the management and shareholders of the Group. Director General of the generating company Eduard Galeyev told Realnoe Vremya’s journalist about this.

Veterans of the Kazan CHPP-3 and Nizhnekamsk CHPP (STC-1) were awarded the medals 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945, which is given to front line veterans, home front workers and former captives of concentration camps. TGC-16 workers in Kazan and Nizhnekamsk personally handed gifts and food baskets over to 17 energy veterans.

“Dear veterans, dear colleagues,

On behalf of all energy workers of TGC-16 JSC I heartily congratulate you on the great holiday — Victory Day. 9 May is a date that every generation of our country will remember. This year we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This day for our people is more than the anniversary of the end of the cruellest and bloodiest war in human history. It is a symbol of unity and great heroism of millions of people who rescued the world from the terror of fascism. It is an example of selfless love for the Homeland, readiness to defend its freedom and independence at the cost of their own life,” Director General of TGC-16 Eduard Galeyev addressed the veterans, workers of TAIF Group and all residents of the republic.

“We hold sacred the memory of feats of everybody who valiantly fought on the fields of the Great Patriotic War, worked on the home front selflessly, fought for life in fascist concentration camps. I want to separately address energy veterans, those who provided the front with fuel during the war and the industry and agriculture with electrical energy and heating. The Victory would have been impossible without your contribution. And your labour and heroic evidence during those years is a valuable experience and an example to follow. We thank everybody who raised the country after the war. Thank you for your constructive labour, everything you did for the future.

Dear veterans,

I am giving you all a low bow. Your strong spirit and invincible courage will forever remain an example for all generations. We are in great debt to each of you. We wish you health, happiness, well-being, kindness and a peaceful sky above the heads. Happy holiday!” Eduard Galeyev finished his congratulation on Victory Day.

TAIF-NK: home improvement as gift to veteran

Fewer alive veterans of the Great Patriotic War remain. They total just 32 in Nizhnekamsk Municipal District. TAIF-NK has just one veteran of the Great Patriotic War left — Panfil Pavlov. In 1943, the 17-year-old boy went to war, and the war ended for the hero only after the win over Japan. The staff sergeant got home only in 1950.

As a gift by the 75th Anniversary of the Victory Day, the enterprise fully refurbished the veteran’s flat. The repair work took just a couple of weeks. And when Mr Panfil Pavlov with his wife Maria got home from their children’s house, they didn’t recognise their home first. Everything changed: new wallpaper was put up in the flat, the stretch ceiling was installed, the shower and toilet were repaired, new plumbing appeared, the flooring changed, the balcony was improved.

Representatives of TAIF-NK visited the veteran meeting all epidemiological safety measures to save the front line veteran from the faintest risk. Vice Director General of Economic Security and Regime at TAIF-NK JSC Ilfar Khalimulin gave the veteran a bunch of flowers and handed over a food basket to him, wished him health and many years of life. And the meeting ended with a group photo. According to Mr Pavlov, it will certainly occupy the most deserving place in the family album.

On Victory Day, the management of TAIF-NK together with Director General Rushan Shamgunov plans to honour the memory of soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War by laying flowers to the Victory Monument in Nizhnekamsk and the Mass Grave of the 80th Separate Ski Battalion.

“Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, children of war,

On behalf of all staff of TAIF-NK JSC and me personally, I heartily congratulate you on the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This holiday, which doesn’t have an expiration date, is as close and understandable for all citizens of our great country, all people of goodwill, no matter their age, nationality and religion as any other,” Director General of TAIF-NK JSC Rushan Shamgunov joined the congratulations.

“A careful attitude of the older generation to the fate of the Homeland must be an illustrative example of patriotism and power of people’s faith for everybody. The veterans paid for the Victory a high price, many aren’t with us today anymore but we remember their military glory. Thanks to our heroes we can calmly work, be glad about life and bring our children up. I wish you health, inner warmth, attention and family care. Might the sky be always peaceful and might the sun shine bright. I am giving a low bow to you,” he addressed the veterans.

Avers Bank: thanks to veterans for Victory

Following safety measures, in masks but with hearts open, workers of Avers Bank LLC visited front line veterans, survivors of the siege and captives of concentration camps on the eve of Victory Day. They brought them not only gifts and food baskets but also kind words and a good mood, which is especially important during the self-isolation period. While the veterans shared their front memories.

TAIF-NK Petrol Station: Victory Day is holiday of joy and mourning

“Dear descendants of Soviet heroes, creators of the Great Victory. On behalf of the staff of the petrol station of TAIF Group of Companies, receive our hearty congratulations on the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory,” Director General of TAIF-NK LLC Albert Sulteyev joined the congratulations on Victory Day for Tatarstan residents.

“Victory Day is the only holiday that has both mourning and joy, tears and happiness… It is a holiday that became common for all generations, a holiday with tears on our faces, full of deep gratitude and pride for the great feat of the Soviet people. It is a special day of memory and meeting of our past and present that was given to us to not forget the price our people paid for the long-awaited victory in the Great Patriotic War. And an astronomic price had to be paid for the Great Victory. Millions of deaths, millions of widows and orphans, destroyed cities and villages. Artillerymen and tankmen, pilots, sailors and foot soldiers walked towards the victory for long four years. They marched through deprivations and misfortunes, hot and cold weather, through bombing and cannon attacks… I am expressing deep respect and giving a low bow to all creators of the Great Victory, who stayed on front roads day and night and selflessly worked on the home front, those who withstood this tough and long trial demonstrating endurance and courage for the good of future generations.

On this holy day, we sincerely share your joy and express gratitude to you for gifting the homeland peace and your people confidence in tomorrow. We sincerely wish happiness, a peaceful sky, health and well-being for you and your relatives,” Albert Sulteyev stressed.

Автор: By Arseny Favstritsky


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