Nizhnekamskneftekhim: caring about its workers

The Nizhnekamsk petrochemical facility has raised its employee’s salaries again since 1 February

Nizhnekamskneftekhim: caring about its workers Photo: Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC

Almost 15,000 people work in subdivisions of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC today. Perfectly understanding the value of human capital, the company has always cared about its workers throughout its operation. Read in Realnoe Vremya’s report how this is manifested.

Despite global economic situation

A pleasant surprise in payslips for February awaits the employees of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC in March: their salaries have risen again since 1 February. Every worker’s salary will change individually, and the rise will total from 5% to 15%. The executive directorate proposed to raise the salaries and met absolute support of the company’s shareholders. With this purpose, Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC adopted a new regulation of rewards and increased the amount of rewards in all subdivisions. The basic rate has differentially changed in manufacturing plants and repair services depending on the staff category, specifics and complexity of production. The management and shareholders of the company are convinced that despite the complicated economic situation in the global market, stiffer competition, the decline in the world car production, which affected the rates of natural and synthetic rubber, plastics, growth of prices for feedstock and tariffs on energy resources, it is necessary to maintain the workers’ high quality of life. For instance, the salaries augmented by 13% in 2019 compared to 2018 retaining of all types of increases, extra payments, rewards and other incentives.

At work

Many of what seems to Nizhnekamskneftekhim workers habitual and natural was the envy of employees from other spheres. Just take the shuttle to the enterprise and back to the city. Not every employer is ready to carry additional expenses, the staff often has to resolve this issue on its own. Tens of comfortable buses running taking 10 special routes with an interval of five minutes transport the workers to Nizhnekamskneftekhim and back to the city.

As for comforts, by the way, a person spends almost a third of one’s time in the workplace. Nizhnekamskneftekhim constantly improves its working conditions — a programme designed to repair canteens, changing rooms, shower rooms, recreation rooms was created. What is more, the petrochemists will soon switch to a new system providing them with a uniform, special shoes and means of individual protection. The new uniform that has corporate colours of NKNK will meet the strictest modern requirements meeting physiological peculiarities, the type of work, this is why it will be comfortable to work in it.

Keeping up with the times, providing the compliance of the workers’ qualification and skills with the modern level of scientific and technological development, creating conditions of uninterrupted adaption to changes in the socio-economic and technology spheres, Nizhnekamskneftekhim invests significant resources to train and raise the qualification of the staff. This work is done gradually and uninterruptedly. Over 12,500 workers, specialists and managers did different training in 2019 only.

All NKNK workers are provided with medical support. A working person appreciates his or her time and money, time more. This is why doctors in almost all fields receive patients, all types of examinations are done in a big, modernised polyclinic with state-of-the-art equipment without queues on the territory of the industrial zone.

And in everyday life

The company workers’ social package includes corporate mortgage programmes and programmes of co-financing of state mortgage schemes. Even a young specialist can improve his or her living conditions or purchase the first flat. Young families are provided with a loan to purchase basics, and a child’s birth is always supported with financial aid from the enterprise.

The enterprise always helps the worker during both joyful events — birthdays, jubilees, wedding — at hard times — relatives’ death, an accident… All workers also receive an extra payment to their holiday the size of their fixed pay, a worker resigns with big financial support too.

Support for healthy lifestyle

Sport and a healthy lifestyle is a separate page in the big social activity of Nizhnekamskneftekhim. Up to 150 mass cultural and sports events annually held at Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC allow almost every employer to bring sports and creative talents to light.

Nizhnekamskneftekhim’s big sports infrastructure includes 18 sports venues including two ice palaces with a capacity of 8,000 seats, Neftekhimik sports facility, Friendship sports and health facility, Fakel gym, sports schools for children and the youth, Almash training centre where amateurs can do sport at a convenient time and professional athletes hone their mastery too.

Its health centre Shipbuilding Grove is open for rehabilitation, recovery and simply leisure of the workers all year round. The employees’ children are annually given tours to The Youth and The Olympian health camps. Moreover, parents pay for just a small part of the real price of the tours.

There is also an opportunity to have a rest in health centres of Tatarstan, Russia and the Black Sea shore.

If we talk about the management’s attention to many spheres of life of the joint-stock company’s workers in general, it starts with the moment of signing a work agreement with the employee but doesn’t end with retirement.

There is no such thing as former petrochemists — this rule harmonically suits the company’s social policy. An organisation of veteran petrochemists includes over 10,500 people. All veterans remain under the protection of their enterprise after retirement as well — a non-state pension is paid monthly, there are payouts by holidays, tours to health centres are given, additional medical help is provided.

The council of veterans has three combatants and 123 veterans of labour. This year when the country will celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, none of the veterans and home front workers will be forgotten.

Course for development

Whatever events take place on the world economic stage, Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC looks into the future with optimism. With a well-oiled professional staff and strategic development programme, the company keeps improving technologies, modernising production, mastering sought-after types of products and introducing new capacities. For instance, the construction of a divinyl styrene synthetic rubber plant with a capacity of 60,000 tonnes a year is coming to an end, the implementation of projects on construction of an ethylene complex for 600,000 tonnes a year goes on, a 495 MW GSU-CHPP is erected.

Performing important manufacturing tasks, Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC bases on knowledge, experience and diligence of its staff. And it augments the section of social programmes and projects to reciprocate it.

The management of the enterprise understands that only well-coordinated work of the staff, on the one hand, and effort of the management with the shareholders’ support, on the other hand, can become an important pillar for all future victories and achievements. Everybody should invest in the common business, be part of it, root for, worry about, sympathise and be glad about new achievements and successes.

As Board Chairman of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC Ruslan Shigabutdinov said at the year-end meeting of shareholders of the company last year: “The younger generation of petrochemists has all opportunities that are needed to improve, increase their professional competence. If you connected your profession, your life with the factory, if you are sincerely loyal to it, be sure that Neftekhim will reciprocate it even more”.

Affiliate report

Автор: By Liliya Yegorova, Arseny Favstritsky. Photo courtesy of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC

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