Where polyethylene is tested: 10 interesting facts about Kazanorgsintez Central Laboratory
The Centre for Studies and Research located in the enterprise is 55 years old

Kazanorgsintez PJSC constantly works to improve the quality of products and creates new types. The company's central laboratory plays a special role in this process. In 2018, it's been 55 years old. It's how many years have passed since the production at Orgsintez was launched. Realnoe Vremya collected 10 previously unknown facts about the central laboratory.
Plants at KOS are launched with central laboratory
The first specialists of the central laboratory of the factory took part in the production of the first good – phenol and acetone – in 1963. Then, the launch of every plant at Orgsintez has been impossible without it during the 55 years of the laboratory's operation.
Laboratory chaired by candidate of technical sciences
Nazhiya Abdukhakova was the first director of the laboratory from 1961 and the next quarter of a century who was simultaneously a director of the factory's technical control department in the 60s located in the building of the Factory's Central Laboratory. The enterprise's veteran Charna Medvedeva headed the central laboratory from 1986 to 2006. Yelena Bobreshova came to substitute her in 2012 who handed over the baton to current director, Candidate of Technical Sciences Yelena Maryanina.
1,400 works to improve factories and enhance quality of products in 5 years
During its development, the Central Laboratory of the Company (CLC) has turned into a multifunctional centre for studies and research aimed to do tests, industrial, innovative and analytic works enabling to create, implement and master new technologies. Over 1,400 works aimed to improve current factories, create new technologies, new types of products and their implementation in production have been done in the central laboratory for five years. There have been submitted over 80 suggestions.
Accredited test laboratory
The CLC was accredited in 2015 as a test laboratory in accordance with the Russian Federation's Federal Law ''On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System''. After experts of the Federal Service for Accreditation checked the work of the laboratory, the CLC has successfully confirmed its competency again in 2018 by expanding the area of accreditation.
Its own analytic service
One of the most important areas of activity of the central laboratory is linked with the work of its analytic service, which includes three sectors: analytic, chromatographic and physical and chemical methods of analysis. The analytic service's main goal is to participate in the creation and production of high-quality, competitive products.
CLC created 170 new measuring methods in 5 years
From 2013 to 2018, the CLC's analytic services have created 170 new measuring methods. Over 30 of them were included in state standards and technical specifications. 112 were certified by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology and included into the Federal Information Fund for Uniformity of Measurements.
199 scientific publications
The CLC employees regularly take part in international and all-Russian exploratory conferences. The CLC workers – from laboratory workers to directors – upgrade their skills and knowledge in the latest achievements in analytic chemistry, other sectors, participate in industrial training programmes, refresher courses. Results of research development were presented in 199 publications – in Russian and foreign magazines, scientific books.
Over 500 devices in 29 laboratories
The business of the CLC is impossible without a powerful pool of devices. All applied methods are well equipped with the latest analytic devices of leading Russian and foreign manufacturers such as Bruker, Agilent, Multy Jena, Kristall, Meta-Khrom, Shimadzu. Today employees of the sector on implementation and service of the CLC laboratory devices provide uninterrupted operation of over 500 analytic control devices in 29 laboratories of the enterprise.
Water quality under CLC's control
In 2015, the industrial water control laboratory became part of the CLC. In 2016, the CLC launched industrial quality control of drinking water for Rainbow residential complex. The industrial water control laboratory and the CLC sectors constantly examine the quality of drinking, superficial, underground and basin water for chemical and microbiological indicators.
The best test laboratory in Tatarstan in 2016
Specialists of the central laboratory demonstrate their abilities at different levels. In Best Commodities and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan contest in 2016 held by the Tatarstan Ministry of Industry and Trade, the CLC won in The Best Test Laboratory nomination.