Rustam Minnikhanov about hillside near NCC: ''This improved place will become a point of attraction for residents of Kazan''

''It will be an adornment of our city,'' this is how the Tatarstan president called the hillside near Kazan National Culture Centre renewed by TAIF and Tatnefteprovodstroy PJSC. On 10 October, Rustam Minnikhanov visited the improved territory, evaluated the readiness for the opening of an underground car park above Sultan Galiyev Public Square and shared plans for the further reconstruction of the left riverbank of Kazan. He particularly offered to create a children's' park under Fuks Public Square in honour of TAIF. Realnoe Vremya tells the details of the walk.
''A children's park in honour of TAIF can be created here''
The long-awaited opening of the renewed public square and hillside near Kazan NCC was on 10 October. Tatarstan Republic President Rustam Minnikhanov, Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin, Director General of TAIF PJSC Albert Shigabutdinov, Minister of Construction, Architecture, Housing and Utilities of Tatarstan Irek Fayzullin took part in the official opening. Director General of Tatnefteprovodstroy PJSC Aleksandr Pilishkin told Rustam Minnikhanov about the job they did.
The renewal of the territory was in stages. The total improved area totalled 30,800 square metres. Over 200 KAMAZ trucks of rubbish were thrown from the improved territory, 6,000 KAMAZ trucks with soil were needed to make the hillside stronger, 17,900 square metres of rolled grass was laid with Geoweb, which creates a stable reinforcing carcass when extended, thus reinforcing soil. The total value of the works done to improve the public square and the hillside was 123,4m rubles.
''We decided not to put benches on the hillside now because winter will come soon. We've changed pedestrian lanes till Kazan NCC, we've pulled out all trees on the hillside,'' Aleksandr Pilishkin told the president.
''What are these green devices?'' Rustam Minnikhanov asked showing a construction surrounded by a fence.
'' It's automated grass watering system pipes. The system is installed along the hillside,'' the contractor general added.
On the stairs taking to the second floor of the hillside, Rustam Minnikhanov stopped to look at the view on the right Kazanka River's bank. He also noticed the site under the hillside covered with sand.
''A children's park in honour of TAIF can be created here. There is a good view of the embankment, the hillside and the bank of the Kazanka River,'' the Tatarstan president noted. Ilsur Metshin supported Rustam Minnikhanov's offer. Albert Shigabutdinov, in turn, promised to consider the possibility of building the children's park.
Workers who greened and improved the site welcomed the guests on the second floor of the hillside.
''Beautiful, well done,'' the president praised them and offered to take a photo together.
Plan for renewal of NNC façade
After the walk, the delegation headed to the entrance to the underground parking. It should be reminded the area of the parking built by TAIF PJSC is 52,868 square metres. It's designed for 957 parking lots, including 62 lots on the accessible roof. Parking lots, service rooms, stairwells with distributed exits outside, lifts that can transport firefighting teams are located on underground -1, -2, -3, -4 floors. Car washing will be on the lowest floor. Now the four-storey car park is almost ready to open.
''E-car parking will be here,'' Aleksandr Pilishkin told during a brief parking tour, his company is also the general contractor of the car parking.
The guests left the parking and went to the public square in front of the NCC. Rustam Minnikhanov immediately paid attention to green islands of grass. He was told it was eco-parking, it's the design of lots for disabled people's cars. The president was also interested in the fate of the public square and the building of the Tatarstan Ministry of Finance. Ilsur Metshin explained it hadn't changed and claimed construction works on the second exit from the underground car park towards Kasatkina Street would begin soon.
''The works will begin when land documents are ready. Many mains are laid there,'' Albert Shigabutdinov added.
The red building of the NCC whose future reconstruction was also discussed by the tour's participants stood out in the blue sky.
''The façade of the NCC is made of stone brought from Armenia. Now it's in a bad state. We will have to take it off during the reconstruction, to insulate walls because they're very thin,'' Irek Fayzullin claimed.
''Now there are over 100 types of stones,'' Ilsur Metshin noted and added the most important thing was to save the colour of the NCC's walls.
Aleksandr Pilishkin noticed that Khorriyat stele was strengthened during the construction and assembly works before production began. To exclude the distribution of vibration to the stele from the pile's immersion while strengthening the walls of the parking's foundation pit, 61 jet grouting piles were fixed along it at a depth of 31 metres.
''Good job,'' Rustam Minnikhanov noted.
''This improved place will become a point of attraction for residents of Kazan''
The Tatarstan presider shared his impressions of the walk on the hillside with Realnoe Vremya's correspondent:
''I think everyone who will be here will evaluate this facility,'' he said. ''It's modern amazing parking for almost 1,000 cars with car washing and other features, including for e-cars. It's comfortable that the parking has exits on both sides. Most importantly, this all complies with ''accessible environment'' requirements. We thank TAIF Group of Companies not only for the complex around the NCC but also for having improved the adjacent territory, in general, including the beautification of the riverbank – we always had bushes there. I'm sure it will be a decent adornment of our city.''
Rustam Minnikhanov told that the NCC would also be reconstructed in the short run where the National Library of Tatarstan would be located. ''It will be a place people will get to on foot, by bicycle, by car. There isn't a better place for the National Library. We considered different options, but it's the most geographically convenient place. We have a huge amount of precious literature that isn't provided with due conservation today. This is why all problems need to be solved,'' the Tatarstan president claimed.
He also shared plans for the construction of a new building for TNV – Novy Vek TV and Radio Company. ''We've discussed the construction of a new complex for TNV with officials of TAIF Group of Companies.'' The project is created now, and the decision on construction will be made in the short run. It will be a big gift by the 100 th anniversary of the foundation of the TASSR,'' Rustam Minnikhanov added.
He noted that the parking near Kazan NCC would be ready in 1-1,5 months. ''It's very comfortable to have such big car parking in the city centre. We thank the investor for it. Officials of TAIF did all works very well. They also promised to build a park for children – on behalf of TAIF. Land issues are settled now. This improved place will be a kind of magnet, a point of attraction for residents of Kazan and guests of our city. I highly appreciate both the quality of works and the approaches were used – everything was done on time and with taste,'' the Tatarstan president claimed.
Albert Shigabutdinov added the company sincerely hoped the charity project aimed to improve the public square and the hillside near Kazan NCC would become a good gift for the city and would get a keen response in the heart of citizens of Kazan and guests of the capital.
''It was very important for us to create not only a beautiful landscape but, first of all, a comfortable and cosy environment, so that people would come here with pleasure, enjoy walks, admire the enchanting panorama of our city. We'd like to believe this renewed territory will become not only a favourite place for walks, meetings and photo shoots but also a new trademark of the capital of our republic as time goes by,'' the TAIF PJSC director general expressed his hope.
Now the deserted littered corners have turned into an amazing leisure area covered with fresh green grass. The upper platform of the public square has an amazing view of the right bank of the Kazanka River and Millenium Bridge.
''There has been a possibility to take all cars underground gradually''
Other participants of the tour shared their impressions of the renewed hillside of the NCC with Realnoe Vremya's correspondent.