OIC Secretary General treats to sweets in Kazan and enjoys ride in a Moskvitch
Yousef Al-Othaimeen has visited the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations at the Kazan Federal University to meet with students

On the second day of KazanSummit, May 11th, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Yousef Al-Othaimeen found time to meet with students of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations at the Kazan Federal University, and then went to feed journalists with candy and tell them about the experience of a ride in a Moskvich and Pobeda. Read the details of the visit in the material of Realnoe Vremya.
Almost open conversation
Secretary General of OIC Yousef Al-Othaimeen visited the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations accompanied by Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin and went to the assembly hall, where the teaching staff was waiting for his speech in the first rows, with students – right behind them.
The dialogue was in English, although it is highly likely that all those present would support the conversation with the Secretary General of the OIC in Arabic as well. It was about the importance of KazanSummit, the growth of the number of Muslims around the world, the necessity to establish a link between the Islamic world and Russia. The guest's speech lasted less than 10 minutes, and the rest of the time the Secretary General of the OIC decided to devote to answering students' questions.
At first, there was only one hand modestly raised — student Rufiyaa was interested what the expectations of the Secretary General of the OIC were from the cooperation with Russia and what awaited it in the future.
The Russian Federation is a big country, it is a great power, Yousef Al-Othaimeen said. It is very important that they cooperate with Russia a lot. Russia is a very attentive economy. We have the Russia-Islamic World group, led by his Excellency President of the Republic of Tatarstan. We are developing this relationship outside of politics. That is they were here, at KazanSummit, the guest of honour noted answering to the question.
There was no sea of raised hands in the audience, but after each answer there was not one, but several hands at once. For example, a girl named Zarina specified from the back rows: what does the OIC do for cooperation with youth organizations?
''It is a very good question. In some programmes, there is a person with a good idea and a businessman who wants to help him. If you have a good idea, like developing glasses that don't break — someone will give you money.
It is very good. We call this Muslim Youth Forum. It is not just for Muslims, it is the forum for everyone, for people like you, for everyone here. This is assisting those who want, for example, to obtain a grant,'' Yousef Al-Othaimeen said. He noted that if the applicant is from an OIC country, he can even win a grant for education anywhere and go to study for free.
Yousef Al-Othaimeen decided not to discuss politics, though there was such question. There was also a question in Arabic — however, from a teacher.
Special mission of Tatarstan
One question was addressed to Farid Mukhametshin, who watched the speech of the high-ranking guest, sitting in the presidium surrounded by vice-rector of KFU for external relations, head of the department of Oriental languages and cultures of the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies Linar Latypov, Director of the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies of KFU Ramil Khayrutdinov and an interpreter, who interpreted the words of the guest of honor to the chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Farid Mukhametshin, answering the question of what opportunities he sees in contacts with the OIC countries, began a measured and eloquent conversation about the fact that they have become friends with Muslim states in the past 10-15 years and this friendship is now bearing fruit. Tatarstan, in his opinion, has a special mission — to bring Russia closer to the Islamic world.
According to him, he discovered the possibilities of the organization of Islamic cooperation through the project Halal. According to Mukhametshin, the Halal way of life concerns not only nutrition, but also relations in the family, relations to one's health, and today it is of interest not only for Muslims.
For journalists — candy, and for the Secretary General – a Victory car
After meeting with students, Yousef Al-Othaimeen talked to reporters. It was evident that the Secretary General of the OIC was in a good mood – at first he asked him to ask only one question, but, having heard from one of the media representatives a request for two, he immediately yielded.
The guest was pleased with the warm welcome at the university and called it one of the best universities in Russia. He liked that not only Russian children study there, but also representatives of other peoples and countries. It is not excluded that the Secretary General highlighted this fact that along with his visit at the institute it hosted the Days of Chinese culture — students from China were discussing, resting and learning something near the stands of the event.
Having learned that the KFU was 213 years old, the speaker pondered and estimated: it means that the university is older than his great-great-grandfather. Yousef Al-Othaimeen summed up his impressions in the following way: the students should be proud that they study at this university.
He liked the reception at KazanSummit as well — he was touched by how he was received by Rustam Minnikhanov, and suggested the residents of the republic another reason for pride — this time by their president, who works from 7 AM to 9 PM.
Farid Mukhametshin received a more intricate praise. His guest called him a dear friend. Then the speaker with undisguised enthusiasm shared with journalists: he was given a ride in Moskvich and Pobeda! Apparently, still rejoicing, he decided to share his mood with the media and suddenly held out a journalist who asked about KazanSummit a candy — instead of ''thank you'' for a question. It took a few seconds to find a second candy in the bowels of the garments — the Secretary General with a laugh handed it to an operator of one of the channels, which finally conquered the journalists, and with kind words, smiles and laughter he went with Farid Mukhametshin on his way.