Tatarkino in the beam of light

Opening nights awaits 10 new films

Tatarkino in the beam of light Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

The updated websites of Tatarkino and the Muslim Film Festival, new logo, ambitious new projects — it is with what the organization is entering the new year. The upcoming changes may concern the regional cinema production as well. It was discussed at a press conference with Tatarkino director Milyausha Aytuganova. Read more in the article of Realnoe Vremya.

Convenience as a priority

The press conference began with the presentation of a new logo of Tatarkino. Its developers showed several working versions and then presented the one they have chosen. For the new logo it has been developed a new font, the combination of more archaic with modern, directional beam of light falls on the inscription like it happens with stage illumination.

The changes have also concerned two websites — Tatarkino and the Kazan International Festival of Muslim Cinema. As the developers of the upgraded websites explained, the priority was put on convenience for users. For example, on the website of Tatarkino, in addition to the updated design, one can learn much useful information just in one click. In particular, about the jobs in the field of cinema production in the region, what auditions are going to be held.

The press conference began with the presentation of the new logo of Tatarkino

The archives of film festivals of the previous years now can be found on the website of the Kazan International Festival of Muslim Cinema. When the upcoming festival begins, it will be possible to obtain information about screenings with detailed information here. Both websites have versions for mobile devices. They are in three languages — Russian, Tatar and English.

10 new films

The press conference was held in the hall of the cinema Mir – the base platform of Tatarkino. As Tatarkino director Milyausha Aytuganova said, the work on this platform is going to be even more intensive. For example, in addition to all existing film festivals in Mir cinema, at the end of March, during Nowruz, there will be another one, which will be dedicated to the cinema of the Turkic world. Besides, the website of this cinema will be updated soon.

The changes have also concerned two websites — Tatarkino and the Kazan International Festival of Muslim Cinema

By the way, a great importance has been given to the film festivals in the work of Tatarkino. For example, the Kazan International Festival of Muslim Cinema signed a cooperation agreement with the Aswan International Women's Film Festival. Next February, Kazan presents the film by Yulia Zakharova Halima at the Aswan film festival. It was in the program of the Kazan festival this year and won one of the awards.

''The Aswan festival has a special format, it can present the films about women and shot by women. Halima, which tells of a girl in hijab, who found herself in an elite school, fits into this format,'' Milyausha Aytuganova explained.

They raised the issues of cinema production at the press conference as well. According to Milyausha Aytuganova, now in Tatarstan there are 10 new films waiting opening nights, some of them are filmed on grants, some of them are co-production. At the cultural forum, held in November in St. Petersburg, it was noted that the situation with film production in Tatarstan is more prosperous than in other regions, we go after Moscow and the 'Northern Palmyra' — St. Petersburg.

As Tatarkino director Milyausha Aytuganova said, the work on this platform is going to be even more intensive

They are going to promote Tatarstan cinema in the world using different ways, among which there is a project which is being done jointly with the Congress of the Tatars. Within its framework, Tatarstan films will be screened in the regions of Russia and in the CIS countries, as well as abroad, where Tatar diasporas reside. It will be ''Days of Tatarstan cinema.''

Unfortunately, they have not succeeded yet in establishing projects relating to coproduction. There were proposals for cooperation, filmmakers in other countries are also satisfied with location in Tatarstan, where there is beautiful nature, forests and rivers, the level of experts, but there is no serious material base yet, no center of the film industry. The work on such centre — one of the tasks of Tatarkino.

To pleasant achievements of the departing year it can be attributed the renewal of cinema screenings in rural areas. Rural clubs, which are often underloaded, have started to revive. Like in the old times, Tatarkino is bringing new films to remote settlements.

Автор: By Tatyana Mamaeva. Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

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