DoorHan to spread cotton wool in Sviyazhsk logistics hub

Alexander Khanin's Russian concern is going to build a mineral wool plant in the Sviyazhsk multimodal logistics centre

DoorHan to spread cotton wool in Sviyazhsk logistics hub
Photo: предоставлено пресс-службой раиса Татарстана

As it became known to Realnoe Vremya, DorKhan federal state corporation is implementing a large investment project in Sviyazhsk. “This place was chosen because of the undeniable logistical advantages: there is an exit to the Volga, and the M7 highway is nearby," the group explained the desire to locate the new plant. A day earlier, the founder of the concern, Alexander Khanin, together with his son Sergei, agreed with the leadership of the republic on the construction of a mineral wool plant at the Sviyazhsk Interregional Multomodal Logistics Centre (SMMLC) site. Its capacity is up to 70 thousand cubic metres, and the plant itself is going to become the third after Danish ROCKWOOL and Zainsk Technonicol to produce insulation in Tatarstan. However, the federal investor claims tax benefits as a resident of the PSEDA in the Zelenodolsk district.

Khanin Jr.'s application?

The new investment project with “industrial roots”, as they like in the republic, was presented by a team of top managers of international Dorkhan Group. It was presented the day before to the rais of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, at the Government House, after which a short release was presented to the media, which did not disclose all the details of the meeting.

As Realnoe Vremya found out, the founder of the group, Alexander Khanin, declared his readiness to invest in the construction of a large plant for the production of mineral wool and received the go-ahead to place it on the site of the SMMLC, which is part of the boundaries of the PSEDA in the Zelenodolsk district. Information about this was confirmed to Realnoe Vremya by Konstantin Antonov, the director general of Dorkhan 21st Century Kazan PLC, who was present at the talks, and in the press service of the administration of the Zelenodolsk district. “The construction begins, one might say, just-in-time — right this year," the sources assured.

Project was presented to the rais of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan. предоставлено пресс-службой раиса Татарстана

“The rais of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, discussed the issues of cooperation with the founder of DoorHan concern, Alexander Khanin. During the conversation held at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan, the parties discussed the concern's current projects in Tatarstan and the implementation of new investment projects, the press service of the head of the republic reported.

Usually investment applications undergo preliminary examination at the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan, but this time Alexander Khanin apparently decided to skip the “selection funnel”. As a long-time partner, he came to Kazan to personally report to the leadership of the republic on the new investment project of the company, the sources of Realnoe Vremya explained. Moreover, he arrived not alone, but, perhaps for the first time, together with his son, Sergei Khanin, under whose management a new “wing” is being formed in the structure of the group — the industrial division for the production of mineral wool, as the most cost-effective building material. Apparently, the future plant in Tatarstan is going to be added to it.

You are the third

“Now we are ready to announce our new project in Tatarstan. We are talking about the construction of the mineral wool plant on the site of the Sviyazhsky multimodal complex. This place was chosen due to the undeniable logistical advantages: there is access to the Volga River, and the M7 highway is nearby," Konstantin Antonov told Realnoe Vremya.

According to him, Khanin himself will act as an investor in the plant, but he found it difficult to name the amount of investments. “The design of the plant has not yet been completed," he explained.

According to him, Khanin himself will act as an investor in the plant, but he found it difficult to name the amount of investments. предоставлено пресс-службой раиса Татарстана

The new enterprise is being designed with a capacity of 35 thousand cubic metres of mineral wool at the first stage and with an increase to 70 thousand cubic metres at the second stage by 2027-2030. With such parameters, the required investment volume ranges from 0.8 to 1 billion rubles. Besides, it is planned to place a universal warehouse here. The total area is going to be 106 thousand square metres. It is planned to create more than 3 thousand jobs. It is going to become the third after Danish ROCKWOOL and Zainsk Technonicol to produce insulation in Tatarstan, but it will be less powerful than these giants.

“They [the structure of Dorkhan Group] plan to become residents of the PSEDA and they will have benefits accordingly," the press service of the administration of the Zelenodolsk district of Tatarstan reported.

The minimum threshold for entry into the PSEDA is 10 million rubles.

DoorHan started in Tatarstan with gate systems

Until now, DorHan Group has specialised in the production of metal structures for the construction of buildings and structures, as well as gate and roller shutter systems under the DoorHan brand. Now it includes 26 production and warehouse complexes, 54 sales offices and 32 factories in various regions. Besides, the Russian concern has factories in the Czech Republic (Kadan) and China (Suzhou).

The first factories in Tatarstan were opened more than 10 years ago. In 2013, the factory for the production of gate and roller shutter systems, handling equipment and automation for gates in Peschanye Kovaly was built, and 9 years later the factory for the production of prefabricated capital buildings, building metal structures and prefabricated housing for individual housing construction in Stolbische.

More than 10 years ago, the first plants of the group were opened in Tatarstan. Максим Платонов /

Thus, the idea of the mineral wool production can be said to be out of line with the established profile of the group. “This is not a new direction for them," Konstantin Antonov disagreed in a conversation with Realnoe Vremya. According to him, a few years ago the company began to develop in the field of insulation production.

“They already has several such plants in the country," Antonov noted, citing the example of the mineral wool plant in the Maslovsky Industrial Park in Voronezh.

At the end of 2018, the concern bought out the unfinished sandwich panel plant of the bankrupt Armaks Group PLC, repurposing it for the launch of the mineral wool production line. Currently, the productivity of the enterprise is about 45 thousand tons of materials a year. The operator of the project is Dorkhan-Stolitsa PLC, registered in 2015.

The parent company of the group is Dorkhan Group PLC. According to SPARK-Interfax, the founders of the main legal entity in equal shares are Alexander, Dmitry, Sergey, 25% each, and Larisa Khanina (15%). By the results of 2023, the group's revenue amounted to 2.9 billion rubles, and net profit amounted to over 500 million rubles.

Ozon will “transfer” to Khanin

Another topic of conversation at the Government House turned out to be the completion of the construction of the In Park Kazan logo park, which is being built by Alexander Khanin in the Laishevsky district of Tatarstan. Ozon marketplace is going to rent it.

Area of the logopark is going to be rented by Ozon. Максим Платонов /

As Realnoe Vremya has already told, the largest logopark in Tatarstan for 500 thousand square metres is being built in Laishevo — it is the largest in the suburbs of Kazan. In agreement with the rais of the republic, last year it was decided to build an object on an area of 20 hectares. According to Konstantin Antonov, the construction of the first stage for 146 thousand square metres is now being completed, and the management of Dorkhan Group informed about the current progress of work.

He did not disclose the time of settlement of the logistics complex. Let us remind that Kazan took the second place in the top 10 Russian cities in terms of transactions in the warehouse segment in 2023. According to CORE.XP consulting agency, 275 thousand square metres (8 thousand square metres in 2022) went into long-term lease/sale, and the volume of transactions jumped from zero immediately by 34 times. As the developers themselves say, they dismantled everything that remained free along the sections of the M7 highway located in the southeast of Kazan (Laishevo) and in the northwest (Zelenodolsk district).

Luiza Ignatyeva

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